
Students are engaged in the mission and vision of the Sisters of St. Joseph through the annual study of the Sisters’ charism, or foundational grace, rooted in the mission that continually unfolds in the Church: that all may be one.

By focusing on an annual theme, the school community is able to best live the mission, with the charism serving as the spirit in which the mission is carried out.

On a rotating, four-year cycle, SJA is guided by an annual charism theme to heighten awareness across the learning community. The themes are

  • Relationships: Sacred Threads that Connect
  • Leadership: Weave One Heart
  • Great-Hearted Love: Serving the Dear Neighbor
  • We Are All One: Gifted and Transformed in the Spirit

As the Academy family studies Relationships: Sacred Threads That Connect, its members are called to unity and reconciliation as they embrace their role in a caring and respectful community.

In the study of Leadership: Weave One Heart, the school community is called to collaboration and responsibility as we strive for excellence in all endeavors tempered by gentleness, joy and peace.

Great-Hearted Love: Serving the Dear Neighbor guides SJA to address the needs of the times and of all peoples without distinction as we promote justice and peace.

As we study We Are All One: Gifted and Transformed by the Spirit, school community members are called to celebrate the unique gifts of each person and all creation as they promote holistic development.



For questions regarding Faith Development at SJA, please contact:
Jade Spears
Mission Integration Director
(225) 388-2296

Chelsea Colomb '07
Campus Minister
(225) 388-2221

Noelle Shipley '17
Assistant Campus Minister, Service Coordinator
(225) 388-2295

2024-2025 Charism Theme

Our annual charism themes are inspired by the unique charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph. 
The charism theme for the 2024-2025 academic year is We Are All One: Gifted and Transformed in the Spirit.