Faith & Leadership

At SJA, we believe that serving others prepares our students to lead others.

St. Joseph’s Academy students are given the opportunity to grow in Catholic/Christian leadership through a variety of clubs, student organizations and mission trips.

Student Ministry

Student Ministry is a club open to juniors and seniors who desire to grow in discipleship and evangelization. As the student leaders of spiritual life at SJA, Student Ministers are given opportunities to lead off-campus retreats for Catholic feeder schools as well as on-campus retreats for the freshman and sophomore classes, rosaries, adoration, divine mercy chaplet and stations of the cross.

Liturgy Committee

Liturgy Committee is a club which provides students the opportunity to plan and participate in school-wide liturgies and prayer services by decorating banners, participating in liturgical dances and developing special prayers and petitions. Additionally, club members are able to assist at school masses as lectors, gift bearers, altar servers and candle bearers.

Respect Life Club

The Respect Life Club is committed to a consistent life ethic that respects the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. The club meets monthly and often hosts guest speakers on topics that deal with adding value to the human life. Members of the club also participate in the Bishop’s Pro-Life Rally and in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., each January.

Catholic Leadership Encounter

The Catholic Leadership Encounter is a 10-day workshop held at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado. CLE focuses on servant leadership, encouraging and empowering students to embrace their God-given gifts while recognizing and meeting the needs of their community.

CSJ/SSJ Leadership Conference

The CSJ/SSJ Leadership Conference enables students from the Congregation of St. Joseph’s three schools to come together to deepen their understanding of the Sisters’ charism and the founding history. The leadership conference is held each summer in the city of a host school. The opportunity is open to eight rising juniors and seniors.


For questions regarding Faith Development at SJA, please contact:
Jade Spears
Mission Integration Director
(225) 388-2296

Chelsea Colomb '07
Campus Minister
(225) 388-2221

Noelle Shipley '17
Assistant Campus Minister, Service Coordinator
(225) 388-2295

Liturgical Leadership

At SJA, students take ownership of our liturgies and prayer services. Liturgy Committee members plan the themes and serve as altar servers, lectors, gift bearers and readers. Student Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve the Body of Christ at each Mass, and members of Choir serve as cantors.