


For information about how to complete the Attendance Reporting Form, we invite you to view this screencast.


Please view the SJA Handbook for the full attendance policy.

Illness: Please complete the Absence Reporting Form, which can be found on the Parent Resources page on MySJA.
All other reasons: Advance notice from a parent must be sent via the Absence Reporting Form at least one day before the absence for it to be considered by Dean of Women Christina Myles.  

Parent notification of a student's reason for an absence must be turned in by the end of the school day or the absence will be considered unexcused and will not be changed.
Absences are recorded per class period missed. Seven accumulated absent class periods will equate to one full day absent. A student may not miss more than 15 full days (105 classes) or 15 times in a single course within in a semester, regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused.

A student who does not arrive to her first hour class prior to the tardy bell must report to the Attendance Coordinator’s office for a tardy slip. Beginning with the third unexcused tardy, an infraction is given. 

Please note that all notifications of absences or tardies must be sent by a parent. We cannot accept requests from students. 

Illness: Any student wanting to check out due to illness must report to the nurse’s office. If this checkout is completed in the main office without reporting to the nurse's office, the missed class time will remain unexcused. If necessary, the nurse will call the student’s parent to obtain permission before the student leaves. 
Doctor Appointments: Most routine visits to the doctor should be scheduled outside of school hours. For appointments scheduled during school hours, a parent must fill out the Absence Reporting Form. When the student returns to school, she must present a note signed by the physician to the Attendance Coordinator to receive an excused absence.